这篇文章向您展示了如何将您的 Worktile 帐户与工时通帐户联系起来,以及如何从 Worktile 将项目和任务从导入到工时通中。

步骤1:从 Worktile 获得一个新的访问令牌。

1. 通过页面登录到工时通站点,转到帐户设置并单击“第三方集成”选项卡,然后单击“Worktile”选项卡(图1)。


图 1 

2. 转换Teambition集成从,  (图2),展开高级功能部分

 图 2 

3. 点击高级功能部分下面的点击这里获取新的令牌,你将会看到一个确定对话框弹出来,如图3所示

 图 3 

4. 点击获取 Access Token 按钮,你将会看到一个新的窗口展示出来,如图4所示

 Figure 4 

Input corresponding Authentication information and then  Click Log in button and you will be prompted by Trello to log in (Figure 5).

 Figure 5 

5. Enter your email and password to log into your Trello account. If the email and password you provided are valid, the connection to Trello will be successful (Figure 6). Now you have authorized Worksnaps to connect to Trello. 

 Figure 6 

Step 2. Sync Projects and Tasks from Trello

1. Click the second link in Advanced Actions section to sync projects and tasks from your Trello account. You will see a pop-up window (Figure 7).

 Figure 7 

2. Click Next button to go to Step 2 and you will see the list of your Trello projects (i.e., Tello boards). Select the one you want to import and click Next button (Figure 8).

 Figure 8 

3. The task list of the selected will be fetched from Trello (i.e., Trello cards). Click Next button to continue (Figure 9).

 Figure 9 

4. Click Import Project button. The selected project and the associated tasks will be imported into Worksnaps (Figure 10).

 Figure 10 

5. You can click Close button to close the pop-up window. Now you can go to Manage >> Manage Projects tab and find the imported project from Trello. Depending on what your role in Trello is, you can be either a Member or a Manager in the imported project (Figure 11 and Figure 12).

Note: If you want to see your Trello users in Worksnaps, you need to ask your users to perform the same steps as described above (i.e., establishing access token from Trello and importing project/task). Once your users import the same project, you will be able to see them in the project in Worksnaps. 

 Figure 11 

 Figure 12